Languages and themes specifications
All GrindEQ modules support multilanguage interface. The interface structures are open, so you can modify the text of almost all interface elements: labels, buttons and messages. Everyone is welcome to supply their own languages and create new skins. Please contact for collaboration details.
To install a new language create a new folder with an arbitrary name on the '<installpath>/<module>/language' path. Here <installpath> is the GrindEQ installation path; <module> is the name of the module ('word2latex', 'latex2word', 'mathtype2equation', or 'main' for General Options). Then create a file 'language.txt' of the specific structure described bellow in the newly created folder. In the 'main' folder you can also create a help file 'GrindEQ.chm', which will be shown instead of the default international help.
The encoding of 'language.txt' can be Unicode or ANSI. Each portion of data (label, message, etc.) is a single CRLF-terminated string. Each string consists of 5 system characters followed by data:
D241:This is visible text
Here D241: are system characters representing an element #241; D means this element belongs to General Options (W for Word-to-LaTeX Options, L for LaTeX-to-Word Options, and M for MathType-to-Equation Options). You cannot change system characters, but you should define the rest of the line. Empty strings will be ignored, absent strings will be replaced with the default international strings (except #001).
If a string has a parameter (file name, counter's value, etc.), its place in the string is defined by the '#' symbol. This means, the '#' symbol in the string will be replaced by the parameter's value. The following escape sequences are supported: \n (new line), \r (carriage return), \t (horizontal tab), and \\ (backslash).
Note, some sentences are duplicated. The number of the first entrance of such elements will be placed in brackets: [D100].
General Options
Language properties
D001: language name displayed in 'Language' list;
D002: format version (2023);
D003: recommended font name;
D004: recommended font size (min 7, max 14);
Main buttons
D100: 'OK' button;
D101: 'Cancel' button;
D102: 'Apply' button;
D103: 'Help' button;
D200: 'Download' button;
D201: 'Options' button;
D202: 'Utilities:' label;
D220: 'System options' title;
D221: 'Theme:' list;
D222: 'Scale:' list;
D223: 'Language:' list;
D224: 'Default equation editor:' list;
D225: 'MathType style' check-box;
D226: 'GrindEQ Math ribbon' label;
D227: 'Enable' button;
D228: 'Disable' button;
D229: 'GrindEQ system report' label;
D230: 'Create' button;
D231: 'GrindEQ updates' label;
D232: 'Update' button;
D300: 'Go To' button;
D301: 'Insert' button;
D302: 'Replace' button;
D303: 'Replace All' button;
D304: 'Find Next' button;
D310: 'Insert GrindEQ label for SECTION' title;
D311: 'New label' label;
D312: 'Defined labels' label;
D320: 'Insert GrindEQ label for OBJECT' title;
D321: 'Format' group;
D322: 'equation: ( )' radio-button;
D323: 'bibliography: [ ]' radio-button;
D324: 'number only' radio-button;
D325: 'Include section number' check-box;
D326: 'Section' group;
D327: 'Delimiter' group;
D328: 'Label' group;
D330: 'Insert GrindEQ reference to GrindEQ label' title;
D331: 'Insert reference to label:' list;
D340: 'Manual reference to GrindEQ reference' title;
D341: 'Find manual reference:' field;
D342: 'Replace with reference to label:' list;
D343: 'GrindEQ has completed scanning the document and made # replacements.' message;
D344: 'The search item was not found.' message;
D350: 'GrindEQ reference to manual reference' title;
D351: 'Find GrindEQ label:' list;
D352: 'Replace with manual reference:' field;
D360: 'You have not selected any label/reference. Process the whole file?' message;
Insert equation
D380: 'Could not create Equation Editor 3.x, because the 'Convert to MathType' option is enabled.\r\n\r\n
Use 'Microsoft Equation' instead of 'Equation Editor 3.x', or turn off the 'Convert to MathType' option in MathType's Equation Conversion Manager (choose it from the 'MathType' sub-menu of the Windows Start menu, and then move 'Microsoft Equation' from the left list ['Convert to MathType'] to the right list ['Do not convert']).' message;
D381: 'Could not find an equation editor. Verify Microsoft Word configuration.' message;
Reopen document
D382: 'Cannot reopen the document, because it has never been saved (it is a new document).' message;
D383: ''#' is going to be reopened, but there are unsaved changes in the file. Do you want to reopen the file and discard the changes?' message;
D500: 'GrindEQ Image-to-PostScript can process only one object at a time. Please select a single object.' message;
D501: 'Image will be saved to: \r\n#\r\n\r\nIn the next step choose PostScript printer. Its driver will be used for image conversion. Continue?' message;
D502: 'Could not create the PostScript file.' message;
D503: 'Put image description to the LaTeX document:' label;
D504: 'File location:' label;
D550: 'Normalizing Equation Editor 3.x to the same appearance.' label;
D551: 'Font, Style, Size' check-box;
D552: 'Scale (%)' field;
D553: 'Show statistics after converting' check-box;
D554: 'You have not selected any equation. Process the whole file?' message;
System messages
D920: 'Not saved! Save changes before quit?'
D921: 'The help file is not found.'
D922: 'The module is not found.'
D923: 'These changes take effect with the next start of Microsoft Word.'
D950: 'You can turn off this message in Options.'
D952: 'Cannot select Equation Editor 3.x as the default equation editor, because the 'Convert to MathType' option is enabled.\r\n\r\nUse 'Microsoft Equation' instead of 'Equation Editor 3.x', or turn off the 'Convert to MathType' option in MathType's Equation Conversion Manager (choose it from the 'MathType' sub-menu of the Windows Start menu, and then move 'Microsoft Equation' from the left list ['Convert to MathType'] to the right list ['Do not convert']).'
D960: 'If you selected MathType format, you must have installed MathType on your machine.'
L961: 'Please note, Equation Editor 3.x is not supported by Microsoft anymore. Make sure Equation Editor 3.x is enabled, otherwise use Microsoft Equations.'
D962: 'This will enable optional GrindEQ Math ribbon, which will be integrated into Microsoft Word. \r\n\r\nNote, the GrindEQ Math ribbon contains macros. If your antivirus does not allow macros, use standard dialogs: \r\n\r\n'Save As ... LaTeX [GrindEQ]' \r\n'Open ... LaTeX [GrindEQ]' \r\n'Save As ... Microsoft Equation [GrindEQ]' \r\n\r\nMake sure Microsoft Word is not running. Continue?'
D963: 'This will disable optional GrindEQ Math ribbon. \r\n\r\nTo run the GrindEQ converters, use standard dialogs: \r\n\r\n'Save As ... LaTeX [GrindEQ]' \r\n'Open ... LaTeX [GrindEQ]' \r\n'Save As ... Microsoft Equation [GrindEQ]' \r\n\r\nMake sure Microsoft Word is not running. Continue?'
Word-to-LaTeX Options
Language properties
W001: language name displayed in 'Language' list;
W002: format version (2023);
W003: recommended font name;
W004: recommended font size (min 7, max 14);
Main buttons
W100: 'OK' button; [D100]
W101: 'Cancel' button; [D101]
W102: 'Apply' button; [D102]
W103: 'Help' button; [D103]
W104: 'Register' button;
W105: 'REGISTER' button;
W106: 'Obtain code' button;
W200: 'General' tab;
W201: 'General options' title;
W202: 'LaTeX encoding:' list;
W203: 'LaTeX version:' list;
W204: 'Mode:' list;
W205: 'Latin accents:' list;
W206: 'Greek letters:' list;
W207: 'Unknown symbols:' list;
W210: 'Article' tab;
W211: 'Article styles' title;
W212: 'Style scheme:' group;
W213: 'disable' radio-button;
W214: 'compact' radio-button;
W215: 'normal' radio-button;
W216: 'full' radio-button;
W217: 'custom' radio-button;
W218: 'Heading' labels;
W610: 'Title:' labels;
W611: 'Subtitle:' labels;
W612: 'Other:' labels;
W220: 'Book' tab;
W221: 'Book styles' title;
W223: 'Preamble' tab;
W224: 'Preamble and packages with options' title;
W225: 'Default' button;
W226: 'Edit' button;
W227: 'Preview' button;
W228: 'custom...' check-box;
W230: 'Formatting' tab;
W231: 'Text formatting options' title;
W232: 'Paragraph format' check-box;
W233: 'Symbol format' check-box;
W234: 'Headers/footers:' group;
W235: 'do not convert' radio-button;
W236: 'headers only' radio-button;
W237: 'footers as headers' radio-button;
W238: 'Simplified footnotes' check-box;
W239: 'Ignore empty lines' check-box;
W630: 'Lists:' group;
W631: 'ignore' radio-button;
W632: 'bullets' radio-button;
W633: 'numbering' radio-button;
W240: 'Equations' tab;
W241: 'Equation options' title;
W242: 'Integral and Sum:' group;
W243: 'LaTeX style' radio-button;
W244: 'MathType style' radio-button;
W245: 'Area/Volume integrals as Contour integral' check-box;
W246: 'Reset nudging' check-box;
W247: 'Restore broken equations' check-box;
W248: 'Extract images from broken equations' check-box;
W249: 'Recognize Functions' check-box;
W640: 'MathJax compatibility' check-box;
W641: 'Double backslashes' check-box;
W642: 'Escape underscores' check-box;
W250: 'References' tab;
W251: 'Cross-reference options' title;
W252: 'GrindEQ/MathType fields only' radio-button;
W253: 'convert numeric: (1.1)' radio-button;
W254: 'convert alphanumeric: (1.a)' radio-button;
W260: 'Tables' tab;
W261: 'Table options' title;
W262: 'Cell ratio:' group;
W263: 'auto' radio-button;
W264: 'LaTeX style' radio-button; [W243]
W265: 'Word style' radio-button;
W266: 'Table borders' check-box;
W270: 'Images' tab;
W271: 'Image options' title;
W272: 'Format:' list;
W273: 'PDF copy' check-box;
W274: 'Calculate the bounding box' check-box;
W275: 'Hide file extension' check-box;
W276: 'Start # (image#.eps):' field;
W277: 'Replace existing files' check-box;
W670: 'Extraction method:' group;
W671: 'quality' radio-button;
W672: 'compatibility' radio-button;
W280: 'System' tab;
W281: 'System options' title; [D220]
W282: 'Theme:' list; [D221]
W283: 'Scale:' list; [D222]
W284: 'Language:' list; [D223]
W285: 'Auto generate a new file name' check-box;
W286: 'Word wrap' check-box;
W287: 'Show options at startup' check-box;
W288: 'Show statistics after converting' check-box;
W289: 'Show progress window' check-box;
W290: 'Change/renew registration' label;
W300: 'You have not selected any equation. Process the whole file?' message; [D554]
W301: ''#' already exists. Replace this file?' message;
W302: 'Word cannot replace this TeX document because it is currently open. Close this TeX document and restart module.' message;
W303: 'Word cannot create '#'. The destination file is the same as the source file.' message;
W304: 'Word cannot save or create '#'. Make sure that the disk you want to save the file on is not write-protected.' message;
W500: 'Please register!' label;
W501: 'Enter code' label;
System messages
W900: 'Registered. Thank you!'
W901: 'Incorrect code. Please enter a valid registration code.'
W902: 'Please register! Evaluation term is 10 launches.'
W903: 'Evaluation period has expired. You must register to continue. \r\n\r\nPlease register!'
W904: 'Your license will expire soon. Please renew your registration.'
W905: 'This will cancel converting. Continue?'
W906: 'Please wait while Microsoft Word configures content.'
W907: 'Preparing content, it may take a few minutes.'
W920: 'Not saved! Save changes before quit?' [D920]
W921: 'The help file is not found.' [D921]
W922: 'The module is not found.' [D922]
W950: 'You can turn off this message in Options.' [D950]
W951: 'IMPORTANT! Close Microsoft Word and open the converted LaTeX document in your favorite editor.'
W960: 'Restore the default preamble?'
LaTeX-to-Word Options
Language properties
L001: language name displayed in 'Language' list;
L002: format version (2023);
L003: recommended font name;
L004: recommended font size (min 7, max 14);
Main buttons
L100: 'OK' button; [D100]
L101: 'Cancel' button; [D101]
L102: 'Apply' button; [D102]
L103: 'Help' button; [D103]
L104: 'Register' button; [W104]
L105: 'REGISTER' button; [W105]
L106: 'Obtain code' button; [W106]
L200: 'General' tab; [W200]
L201: 'General options' title; [W201]
L202: 'LaTeX encoding:' list; [W202]
L203: 'Directionality:' group;
L204: 'Always read LaTeX preamble' check-box;
L205: 'Quotes:' group;
L206: '“curly”' radio-button;
L207: '"straight"' radio-button;
L208: 'ignore' radio-button; [W631]
L210: 'Page' tab;
L211: 'Page options' title;
L212: 'Measurement units:' list;
L213: 'First line indent:' field;
L610: 'Table cell indent:' field;
L611: 'First line indent in multi-column:' field;
L214: 'Left tab stop for equation number:' field;
L215: 'Center tab stop for equation:' field;
L216: 'Right tab stop for equation number:' field;
L217: 'Default' button; [W225]
L218: 'Allow multi-column' check-box;
L220: 'Font' tab;
L221: 'Font and size' title;
L222: 'Font' button; [L220]
L223: 'Ignore fontsize (recommended)' check-box;
L230: 'Styles' tab;
L231: 'Styles' title; [L230]
L232: 'disable' radio-button; [W213]
L233: 'auto' radio-button; [W263]
L234: 'custom' radio-button; [W217]
L240: 'Equations' tab; [W240]
L241: 'Equation format' title;
L242: ''Display' equations as 'Inline' equations' check-box;
L243: 'Force Unicode' check-box;
L250: 'References' tab; [W250]
L251: 'Cross-reference options' title; [W251]
L252: 'LaTeX algorithm' radio-button;
L253: 'Microsoft Word fields' radio-button;
L254: 'Add previous part' check-box;
L260: 'Counters' tab;
L261: 'Starting values of counters' title;
L262: 'Reset' button;
L263: 'Resume' button;
L270: 'Images' tab; [W270]
L271: 'Image options' title; [W271]
L272: 'Convert image files' check-box;
L273: 'Compression method:' group;
L274: 'lossless (PNG)' radio-button;
L275: 'lossy (JPEG)' radio-button;
L276: 'Ghostscript #-bit is not installed' label; (32/64-bit)
L277: 'Download' button; [D200]
L770: 'DPI (dot/in):' group;
L771: '72 (default)' radio-button;
L774: '300 (not recommended)' radio-button;
L280: 'Bibliography' tab;
L281: 'BibTeX options' title;
L282: 'Codepage and Sort Order (CS):' group;
L283: '#-bit mode' radio-button; (7/8-bit)
L284: 'CS file' radio-button;
L290: 'System' tab; [W280]
L291: 'System options' title; [D220]
L292: 'Theme:' list; [D221]
L293: 'Scale:' list; [D222]
L294: 'Language:' list; [D223]
L295: 'Auto generate a new file name' radio-button; [W285]
L296: 'Show options at startup' radio-button; [W287]
L297: 'Show statistics after converting' check-box; [W288]
L298: 'Show progress window' check-box; [W289]
L299: 'Change/renew registration' label; [W290]
L300: 'You have not selected any equation. Process the whole file?' message; [D554]
L301: ''#' already exists. Replace this file?' message; [W301]
L302: 'Word cannot replace this document because it is currently open. Close this document and restart module.' message;
L303: 'Word cannot create '#'. The destination file is the same as the source file.' message; [W303]
L304: 'Word cannot save or create '#'. Make sure that the disk you want to save the file on is not write-protected.' message; [W304]
L500: 'Please register!' label; [W500]
L501: 'Enter code' label; [W501]
System messages
L900: 'Registered. Thank you!' [W900]
L901: 'Incorrect code. Please enter a valid registration code.' [W901]
L902: 'Please register! Evaluation term is 10 launches.' [W902]
L903: 'Evaluation period has expired. You must register to continue. \r\n\r\nPlease register!' [W903]
L904: 'Your license will expire soon. Please renew your registration.' [W904]
L905: 'This will cancel converting. Continue?' [W905]
L906: 'Please wait while Microsoft Word configures content.' [W906]
L907: 'Preparing content, it may take a few minutes.' [W907]
L920: 'Not saved! Save changes before quit?' [D920]
L921: 'The help file is not found.' [D921]
L922: 'The module is not found.' [D922]
L950: 'You can turn off this message in Options.' [D950]
L951: 'IMPORTANT! Save the converted document as Word Document *.docx ('File | Save As...' from Microsoft Word menu).'
L952: 'Cannot use Equation Editor 3.x format, because the 'Convert to MathType' option is enabled.\r\n\r\n
Use 'Microsoft Equation' instead of 'Equation Editor 3.x', or turn off the 'Convert to MathType' option in MathType's Equation Conversion Manager (choose it from the 'MathType' sub-menu of the Windows Start menu, and then move 'Microsoft Equation' from the left list ['Convert to MathType'] to the right list ['Do not convert']).\r\n\r\n
Press Cancel to abort (recommended), or OK to ignore this warning and continue.'
L953: 'The size of resumed cross-references exceeds 500Kb. If you don't use the previously saved cross-reference values, uncheck 'Add previous part' option ('References' tab).'
L960: 'If you selected MathType format, you must have installed MathType on your machine.' [D960]
L961: 'Please note, Equation Editor 3.x is not supported by Microsoft anymore. Make sure Equation Editor 3.x is enabled, otherwise use Microsoft Equations.' [D961]
L962: 'Restore the default values?'
L963: 'Resume the values of counters since the last conversion? \r\n\r\nVerify its values and press 'Yes' if you want the converter to continue the numbering used in the previous conversion.'
L964: 'You have to install Ghostscript (free under GPL license) for importing EPS/PS image files. \r\n\r\nPress 'Download' button in 'Image options', or download Ghostscript from'
MathType-to-Equation Options
Language properties
M001: language name displayed in 'Language' list;
M002: format version (2023);
M003: recommended font name;
M004: recommended font size (min 7, max 14);
Main buttons
M100: 'OK' button; [D100]
M101: 'Cancel' button; [D101]
M102: 'Apply' button; [D102]
M103: 'Help' button; [D103]
M104: 'Register' button; [W104]
M105: 'REGISTER' button; [W105]
M106: 'Obtain code' button; [W106]
M200: 'Equations' tab; [W240]
M201: 'Equation options' title; [W241]
M202: 'Equation format:' group;
M203: 'Force Unicode' check-box; [L243]
M204: 'Restore broken equations' check-box; [L247]
M205: 'Allow MathType fonts' check-box;
M210: 'System' tab; [W280]
M211: 'System options' title; [D220]
M212: 'Theme:' list; [D221]
M213: 'Scale:' list; [D222]
M214: 'Language:' list; [D223]
M215: 'Show options at startup' check-box; [W287]
M216: 'Show statistics after converting' check-box; [W288]
M217: 'Show progress window' check-box; [W289]
M218: 'Change/renew registration' label; [W290]
M300: 'You have not selected any equation. Process the whole file?' [D554]
M500: 'Please register!' label; [W500]
M501: 'Enter code' label; [W501]
System messages
M900: 'Registered. Thank you!' [W900]
M901: 'Incorrect code. Please enter a valid registration code.' [W901]
M902: 'Please register! Evaluation term is 10 launches.' [W902]
M903: 'Evaluation period has expired. You must register to continue. \r\n\r\nPlease register!' [W903]
M904: 'Your license will expire soon. Please renew your registration.' [W904]
M905: 'This will cancel converting. Continue?' [W905]
M906: 'Please wait while Microsoft Word configures content.' [W906]
M907: 'Preparing content, it may take a few minutes.' [W907]
M920: 'Not saved! Save changes before quit?' [D920]
M921: 'The help file is not found.' [D921]
M922: 'The module is not found.' [D922]
M950: 'You can turn off this message in Options.' [D950]
M951: 'IMPORTANT! If you convert this document via 'Save As...' menu, you must reload it before editing ('Reload current document' button).'
M952: 'Cannot use Equation Editor 3.x format, because the 'Convert to MathType' option is enabled.\r\n\r\n
Use 'Microsoft Equation' instead of 'Equation Editor 3.x', or turn off the 'Convert to MathType' option in MathType's Equation Conversion Manager (choose it from the 'MathType' sub-menu of the Windows Start menu, and then move 'Microsoft Equation' from the left list ['Convert to MathType'] to the right list ['Do not convert']).\r\n\r\nPress Cancel to abort (recommended), or OK to ignore this warning and continue.' [L952]
M961: 'Please note, Equation Editor 3.x is not supported by Microsoft anymore. Make sure Equation Editor 3.x works properly, otherwise use Microsoft Equations.' [D961]
All GrindEQ modules support skinnable interface. To install a new theme create a new folder with an arbitrary name on the '<installpath>/<module>/skin' path. Here <installpath> is the GrindEQ installation path; <module> is the name of the module ('word2latex', 'latex2word', 'mathtype2equation', or 'main' for General Options). Then create next files: 'skin.txt', 'main.bmp', 'tab.bmp', 'button.bmp' of the specific structure described bellow in the newly created folder.
The structure of 'skin.txt' is the same as of 'language.txt' (described above):
D001: theme name displayed in 'Theme' list;
D002: format version (2023);
D010: color of text label;
D011: color of title label;
D020: color of button label;
D021: color of selected button label;
D022: color of pressed button label;
D025: horizontal offset of selected button label;
D026: vertical offset of selected button label;
D027: horizontal offset of pressed button label;
D028: vertical offset of pressed button label;
D030: color of tab button label;
D031: color of selected tab button label;
D032: color of pressed tab button label;
D035: horizontal offset of selected tab button label;
D036: vertical offset of selected tab button label;
D037: horizontal offset of pressed tab button label;
D038: vertical offset of pressed tab button label;
D040: color of open tab button label;
D041: color of selected open tab button label;
D042: color of pressed open tab button label;
D045: horizontal offset of selected open tab button label;
D046: vertical offset of selected open tab button label;
D047: horizontal offset of pressed open tab button label;
D048: vertical offset of pressed open tab button label;
D050: color of list label;
D051: color of selected list label;
D052: color of pressed list label;
D055: horizontal offset of selected list label;
D056: vertical offset of selected list label;
D057: horizontal offset of pressed list label;
D058: vertical offset of pressed list label;
RGB colors are represented in BBGGRR hexadecimal format, offsets are given in pixels.
D means this element belongs to General Options (must be changed to W for Word-to-LaTeX Options, L for LaTeX-to-Word Options, or M for MathType-to-Equation Options).
General Options
'main.bmp' is a 512x420 bitmap image which contains the main pane.
'button.bmp' is a 660x78 bitmap image which consists of three bitmap images containing rows of application buttons in normal, selected, and pressed states; 'minimize' (46x31), 'close' (46x31), 'check-box' (20x20), 'radio-button' (20x20), 'system button' (120x26), 'list' (150x26), 'home' (150x26), 'info' (22x22).
Word-to-LaTeX Options
'main.bmp' is a 512x557 bitmap image which contains the main pane.
'button.bmp' is a 878x78 bitmap image which consists of three bitmap images containing rows of application buttons in normal, selected, and pressed states: 'minimize' (46x31), 'close' (46x31), 'check-box' (20x20), 'radio-button' (20x20), 'system button' (120x26), 'tab button' (120x26), 'active tab button' (120x26), 'list' (150x26), 'home' (150x26).
LaTeX-to-Word Options
'main.bmp' is a 512x479 bitmap image which contains the main pane.
'button.bmp' is a 878x78 bitmap image which consists of three bitmap images containing rows of application buttons in normal, selected, and pressed states: 'minimize' (46x31), 'close' (43x15), 'check-box' (20x20), 'radio-button' (20x20), 'system button' (120x26), 'tab button' (120x26), 'active tab button' (120x26), 'list' (150x26), 'home' (150x26).
MathType-to-Equation Options
'main.bmp' is a 512x427 bitmap image which contains the main pane.
'button.bmp' is a 878x78 bitmap image which consists of three bitmap images containing rows of application buttons in normal, selected, and pressed states: 'minimize' (46x31), 'close' (46x31), 'check-box' (20x20), 'radio-button' (20x20), 'system button' (120x26), 'tab button' (120x26), 'active tab button' (120x26), 'list' (150x26), 'home' (150x26).
Copyright © 2024 GrindEQ. All rights reserved.